Friday, November 22, 2013

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I became quite busy with, well, Carl. That's right; Carl is here. He was born 7 lbs 13 oz 20". 1 point away from a perfect apgar score.

And I suppose you want the birth story.
On April  18th, I had an appointment with my midwife. I was dilated 4 cm when I went in, and she offered to swipe my membranes. I accepted, and she said to stay in town and maybe walk around the mall for a couple hours before heading off. So we walked around the mall and my contractions started to get painful. I went to the food court and ate a sandwich. I went to spencers and read 'Go the F*ck to Sleep.' When I was getting contractions so bad I couldn't walk, I called the midwife, and she sent me to the hospital.
  And so starts the real labor. For what felt like hours I went through the worst pain in my life. I couldn't stay comfortable. I went from the toilet to the bath to the bed to a chair and finally stayed in bed. I attempted to get an iv to start fluids to get an epidural, but my veins kept blowing. I think about 5 different nurses tried. I finally got sick of it and decided to wing it. It's a good thing I did, anyway, because I didn't have time for an epidural. When the really intense pain came and I couldn't move at all, I sort of squatted on the bed while pushing and got on my hands and knees between contractions. When he started crowning was the most relief I've ever had; It meant it was finally almost over. When he came out and they gave him to me, he didn't cry. He cooed. He was so content. I think at that moment I knew what true happiness is.

I honestly really wish I would have told the nurses not to give him shots or a bath right away. I meant to, but I completely spaced it. A flock of people came in and started taking pictures. I wish I said no visitors. After that everything went  a tad downhill. He went into very minor shock. His temperature dropped and he refused to nurse. 6 hours after his birth, his blood sugar was dropping and we had to give him formula. But after he figured out that sucking helped eating, he did fantastic. His temerature went back up and his blood sugar balanced. All the while, he was perfectly content just looking around and snuggling up to me. Ever since, he has been perfectly healthy and happy.

I could not be happier. He's even more than I had hoped for. Don't get me wrong, I didn't get pregnant on purpose, but this was definitely meant to be.